After the equinox, the sun moves northwards, resulting in gradually longer day time in the Northern Hemisphere,and longer night in the Southern Hemisphere.
hemisphere /ˈhemɪsfɪə(r)/ :半球
春分的另一个含义是“季节平分”。古时以立春到立夏之间为春季,而春分日正处于两个节气之中,正好平分了春季。昼夜平分点的英文表达为“Equinox [ˈekwɪnɑːks]”,所以春分是The Spring Equinox。
Egg-standing games 立蛋游戏
Standing an egg upright is a popular game across the country during the Spring Equinox. It is an old custom that dates back to 4,000 years ago. People practice this tradition to celebrate the coming of spring. It is believed that if someone can make the egg stand, he will have good luck in the future.
Some believe that the Spring Equinox is the best time to practice this game because on this day the axis of the earth is relatively balanced against the orbital plane of the earth's rotation around the sun, which makes it easier to erect an egg.
Flying kites 放风筝
Spring Equinox is a good time to fly kites. In ancient times, people did not have good medical resources. So to pray for health, they wrote their medical issues on paper kite. When the kite was in the air, people would cut off the string to let the paper kite float away, symbolizing the flying away of diseases.
Later flying kites developed into a popular game of spring. On the Spring Equinox, people write a blessing on the kite, hoping that the gods in the sky would see it.
Eating spring vegetables 吃春菜
Eating spring vegetables during the Spring Equinox is a commonly practiced custom in many regions of China. 'Spring vegetables' refers to seasonal vegetables that differ from place to place. The ancient teachings in the Chinese classic, Huangdi Neijing, suggests that people eat seasonal foods to help preserve health and bring good luck.
Make your whole year's plan in the spring and the whole day's plan in the morning.